Lila the Pomchi aka Little Dog

Trip across North America and back

Home » March 25 – Continuing Atlantic Ocean

March 25 – Continuing Atlantic Ocean

We are now at 25 degrees north, 45 degrees west. I don’t think they will do a spring ahead this evening, since we are still a few days out of Madeira, our next stop. No pictures today, sorry.

So in the morning, I went to another WWII intelligence briefing, while Susan went to an embroidery workshop on the Bayeaux Tapestry. We then had lunch and played bridge for a couple of hours Susan then did laundry while I read.

We then had dinner at Manfredi’s, the Italian Restaurant on the ship, with the Ali-Hassans and Ferrans. Still haven’t heard that Amine has found a distant cousin, as he usually seems to do.

We are now just watching TV in bed.

Today’s ocean had 4 meter waves, as will tomorrow. Sunday will be 5 meters and then it calms down to 3 meters, and then we will arrive in Madeira.

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