1. Royal Elton1 Bliss was born before February 21, 1877, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Royal died 1912 in Sherman, Chautauqua Co, NY.
He married Ella Mary Akin in Ellery Twp, Chautauqua Co, NY, February 21, 1877. Ella was born in Ellery Twp March 5, 1857. Ella was the daughter of John Akin and Lucy Ann Blowers. Ella died April 3, 1933 in Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, Panama, at 76 years of age. Occupation: occupation unknown in Homemaker.
Occupation: occupation unknown in R.R.MailClerk.
Royal Elton Bliss and Ella Mary Akin had the following children:
Henry Ethelbert2 Bliss was born 1880. Henry died 1880 in Lived only two d,
ays, at less than one year of age. Gerald was the postmaster in the Canal Zone and many members of his immediate family went there for
varying periods of time. According to the notes for a talk given by CBS at some unidentified time (probably in the 40s), Gerald was then
retired in Miami.
Gerald Deleo Bliss was born April 30, 1882. Occupation: occupation unknown in Postmaster. Gerald was Postmaster in the
Canal Zone for many years and various members of his family spent varying periods, from short to long, there.
Gertrude Lillian Bliss was born April 3, 1884. Gertrude participated in the Extra 4 event. Occupation: occupation
unknown in Homemaker.
Gladys Evelyn Bliss was born January 30, 1886. Gladys participated in the Extra 4 event. Occupation: occupation
unknown in Homemaker.
Glenn Calcliffe Bliss was born October 10, 1888. Occupation: occupation unknown in PullmanCo. CBS notes for a talk
given on Ellery people he noted GenElla as being a travelling respresentative of Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics Co. in New York, with salons in
Madrid and Montevideo.
Genella Burreness Bliss was born January 31, 1891. She married Unknown Shrapnel.
Occupation: occupation unknown in CosmeticsSales. CBS in notes for a talk given about Ellery personages indicates that GenElla was a travelling represntative for Elizabth Arden Cosmetics with salons in Madrid and Montevideo.
Geneva Gwendolen Bliss was born September 26, 1893. Geneva participated in the Extra 4 event. Occupation:
occupation unknown in Homemaker.
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